A very big week. We passed our plumbing inspection. Our stucco guy finished work on the facade which required our neighbor's access and cooperation. DOB came by for a surprise visit after someone lodged a complaint and DOB actually took our side and did not issue a citation. Did I also mention our son was born? That's right...we are writing this post on almost no sleep since Tuesday.
In any event, work continues and some finishing work is taking place. The "floor guy" has also become the "moulding and casing guy". Casings are installed on the 5th floor as well as parts of the 4th floor. Pictures below are of the casings in Tyler's room and the floor going in at the playroom.

Moving to the master floor, the new exterior door was installed which leads from the master bedroom out to the small patio.

On the parlor floor, restoration work continues with the wood casements and wood doors around the front parlor as well as the entryway doors. Although not pictured, the electrical rough-in is almost finished in the extension portion of the parlor floor.

Most of the noticeable work, however, has occured in the rental. First, the tenant's access into their living room was created. In the below picture, the new opening was created on the right and the doorway on the left will be filled in to fill out the kitchen and living room areas.

Here is that perspective from the other side as the tenant enters the apartment from the front.

The tenant's rear exterior door leading to the garden arrived on Thursday and was installed. This door is accessible from the tenant's master bedroom. The demising wall separating the back of the master bedroom from the secondary bedroom will be constructed between the window on the left and the exterior door. You can actually see the structural beam which serves as the demarcation point to demise these rooms.

Oh yeah, more crap is being stockpiled. All those bricks being stacked were salvaged from the various demolition work we've done. It is our intention to find suitable replacement bricks to then infill those holes we created in the front facade where we removed the through-the-wall air conditioning units. In total, we'll need somewhere between 30-40 bricks. I'd say we've amassed about 10 times that amount.

As for the removal of the crap, there is supposedly another dumpster coming on Tuesday to haul this away along with the various junk still remaining in the backyard. In what might be the penultimate dumpster, the contractor is supposed to remove this hideous and incredibly awkward "planter" which disgraces the landscape in the backyard. Matt will be particularly pleased when this is removed because it will then allow for the arborist to come and remove a very large and very decaying tree from the backyward.
Back to the rental construction, the temporary shoring is slowly being removed as the new steel beam in the rental is installed. Again, once completed this will open up the space in the rental master bedroom.

Onto the new facde on the extension. Besides the work being completed which required our neighbor to cooperate, the basecoat has been fully applied and the extension looks like this now.

The finish coat should go on next week (weather permitting) whereupon we'll take a few photos of the finished product and give you a little before and after comparison.
I also wanted to show a few shots of the front of the house, particularly now that the tree in the front has been pruned back some. Before the tree was thinned out, it was literally growing towards the front door and into the house.

On tap for next week...hickory floor installation on the fourth and third floor landing areas, new floors on the third floor in the library and possibly the master bedroom (if the radiant floors are installed), tile preparation for the bathrooms, finishing off the new facade at the extension, finishing off the structural work in the rental as well as completing the rough-ins and framing.